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Showing posts from June, 2012

Freedom, the Masterpiece of Grace

Do you enjoy getting snail mail?  Isn’t it delightful when someone actually take the time in this electronic age to get a piece of paper out and practice their penmanship?  Getting my own letter in the mail was a highlight of many ordinary days as a child.  The Holy Spirit of God has made many passages come alive to me in a special way and I want to share God’s Masterpiece Portrait of Grace with you.             The Apostle Paul’s purpose in chapter five of the letter to the Galatians was to illustrate the difference between freedom under the law and freedom under grace.  Under the law freedom could only be obtained through excruciating human effort in performance of religious duties.  In order to understand freedom you have to understand the nature of slavery.  The Israelites were God’s easel for the masterpiece of grace that he painted for the universe to admire. He put a frame around the picture that included the Ten Commandments and all of the various ceremonies an